A married couple in their mid forties, sex life was waning somewhat and the hubby was getting unfit through too much food and insufficient exercise
So she enrolled him into a gymnasium and eating healthily and his wife had later gotten some Viagra from their doctors.
One morning the wife asked the husband “would you like some bacon and eggs toast and coffee? He declines, “thanks for asking, but I’m not hungry right now. It’s the Viagra, he says. “it’s really taken the edge off my appetite”
At Lunchtime the wife asked her husband if would like something to eat. ” a bowl of soup or I could make some muffins or a cheese sandwich?” again he declines food. “The Viagra has really trashed my desire for food.”
Dinner time arrives and the wife asks, “would you like a nice juicy rib eye steak with salad and some strawberry ice cream to follow or I could whip you up a pork stir fry?” He declines again. “No thanks,” he says “it’s got to be the Viagra, I’m still not hungry.” She then says to him “well would you mind letting me up please?” “I’m starving.”